Юзабилити-анализ. Customer Data Analysis Dashboard in Excel (Дистанционная работа)

Бюджет: 359 770 руб.

Задание: Юзабилити-анализ. Customer Data Analysis Dashboard in Excel (Дистанционная работа)

I'm in need of an MS Excel expert who can create a dashboard for analyzing customer data trends. The dashboard should be capable of tracking various KPIs and should have the following features: - Interactive charts: To visualize data trends in an engaging and informative way. - Data filters: To allow for focused analyses on specific subsets of the customer data. - Summary statistics: To provide quick insights into the data's key elements. Ideal candidates for this project should have extensive experience in creating Excel dashboards and be proficient in developing interactive elements within Excel. Previous work with customer data is a plus. Please include relevant samples of your work in your proposal.