Junior QA Engineer

Уровень зарплаты: от 25 000 руб.
Местоположение: Беларусь

Резюме: Junior QA Engineer

I'm a novice QA Engineer with good theoretical and practical knowledge.
Successfully completed training in software testing at IT Step Academy.
I'm motivated, hardworking, responsible and attentive to detail.
I'm in search of my first career opportunity as a QA Engineer.
Thank you in advance for any recommendations of contacts, tips, or opportunities you can offer!

Student Automated Software Testing (01.2022-05.2022):
• Automation Basic Theory. • Locators (Tag, id, class, attribute. CSS and Xpath. Locator precedence). • Selenium (Methods of class WebDriver, WebElement, By. Expected Conditions. ExecuteScript - JSExecutor. Alert. Selenium Exceptions. Builder, Capabilities, Session).
• Databases (types of databases, Primary key, foreign key. Select/update/insert/delete. Distinct, order by). • Java OOP (OOP principles. Fields, methods, classes, constructor, access level modifiers, method signatures. Overriding methods. Collections like List, Set, Map. Sorting objects. HashCode and equals methods. Singleton). • REST (REST, CRUD, HTTP request methods, HTTP response codes). • GitHub.

Stydent Manual Software Testing (10.2021-01.2022):
• Testing Technique. Testing types and approaches. • Requirement Analysis. • Planning. • Test documentation (Test plan; creation and execution Check-lists and Test cases; Bug reporting -JIRA; Test Result Report). • Estimations. • Teamworking. • Regression testing; New feature testing; Functional testing; Ad-hoc testing; Pairwise testing; Domain testing; API testing; Localization testing; UI/UX testing; Cross-browser/cross-platform testing; Mobile Testing using emulators; Web-Testing; Desktop Testing. • SQL queries.
Навыки: PICT · Oracle · SQL · Android Studio · HTML · Client-Server Architecture · REST · Postman

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