Поиск вакансий удаленной работы

HR manager (part-time, remotely)

Найдено вакансий: 5

Описание вакансии People. The thing we value most is working with talented people in a productive way. QIC digital hub has been a remote-first organization and our 140+ digital nomads work remote...

Описание вакансии Senior Sales Manager B2C (Onsite/Remote) ECOS is a successful International FinTech company with 6 years of experience with a wide product line. The company was established in 2...

Описание вакансии ECOS is a successful International FinTech company with 6 years of experience with a wide product line. We are seeking a highly motivated and dynamic Sales Manager with Fluent...

Full-stack Node + Vue.js developer (удаленная работа)
30 апреля 2024, QIC

от 3 000 до 4 000 руб.

Описание вакансии Best Online Insurance Company in The Middle East 2023! We are Qatar Insurance Company (QIC), the leading insurance provider in GCC with a history dating back to 1964. Mission...

Описание вакансии We are looking for a Software Engineer with experience in programming in Python/Julia/Go/Rust, ready to expand their skill set and start a career in developing tools for algorithmi...