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Уровень зарплаты: з.п. не указана
Требуемый опыт работы: Не указан
Вакансия: Senior/Middle PHP developer for e-commerce platform
We are looking for a skilled back-end PHP developer with 4+ years of experience to join us for 6+ months to enhance the existing e-commerce platform.
Required Skills:
- PHP 8;
- MySQL 8, SQL;
- GraphQL;
- Magento 2 (Adobe Commerce) will be a plus;
- Proficiency with Unix-like operating systems;
- experience and willingness to work on code refactoring;
- experience with the development/support of e-commerce or finance-related systems/services.
You will work on developing a multinational e-commerce system, optimizing performance, code refactoring, and ensuring seamless integration with ecosystem partners' services. You can join us part-time or full-time.
Contact us for the details.