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Уровень зарплаты: от 399 715 до 408 800 руб.
Требуемый опыт работы: Не указан
Вакансия: Debt Collection Data analyst, Mexico
Описание вакансии
Remote job in a time-zone of Mexico
Collection process KPIs improvement - analytical findings.
Collection process monitoring.
DWH improvement as a task holder.
Education: Bachelor s degree in Maths, Economics, Engineering or related.
Experience: At least 3 years of experience in data analysis, specifically Operations Background.
Operation metrics: PTP, Spin rates, Contact rates etc.
Basics of Provisioning methodology
Data Analysis - Proficiency in data analysis tools and methods (e.g. SQL, Python for processing and interpreting large amounts of information.
Statistical Analysis - Knowledge of statistical methods and tools for evaluating the effectiveness of experiments/tests.
Data Visualization - Ability to use visualization tools (e.g. Tableau, Power BI) to create visual reports and dashboards that help make data-driven decisions.