Senior sales manager (удаленная работа)

27 сентября 2021

Уровень зарплаты:
от 80 000 до 220 000 руб.
Требуемый опыт работы:
От 1 до 3 лет

Вакансия: Senior sales manager

Полная занятость, полный день, удаленная работа.
Возможно временное оформление: договор услуг, подряда, ГПХ, самозанятые, ИП
Возможна подработка: сменами по 4-6 часов

About Swiftle:
Swiftle was found to significantly improve the experience of people who deals with software development
For many decades, to build custom software, you had to know a coding language. Now, with no-code and low-code platforms, you can build high-quality software products visually.
Swiftle team reinvented this approach and add to no-code, low-code platforms custom code features, that make Swiftle a unique company on a market.

Why does this matter? It means we can build software with the same quality much more quickly and cheaply.

About the Business Development Officer role:
In this role, you will work with inbound and outbound leads to help them figure out whether Swiftle is the right fit to bring their software concept to life. Specifically, youwill:
• Understand a lead's concept and approach, to determine whether it's a good fit
• Explain our methodology and answer questions, in order to sell our process and services
• Write up the high-level requirements and present them to our Product Team for approval and feedback

Note that this is a remote contractor role and can be done either part-time or full-time.

Things we look for
We value a mix of hard and soft skills, as well as alignment to our company's values. Somespecificqualitiesforthisroleinclude:
1. Passion for and experience with working with people: The primary purpose of the role is to help our clients figure out whether we are a good fit for their project. The ideal candidate should enjoy speaking with people and ideally have previous sales experience.
2. Excellent communication skills: The role will need to be constantly interacting with clients, so the ideal candidate should be very clear and structured in verbal and written communication.
3. Thoughtfulness and helpfulness: Our main goal is to ensure that our product and service are the best fit for the client's current needs. The ideal candidate should first aim to serve our clients well and then to close deals.
4. Logical/structured thinking: Our clients come to us with a wide range of ideas and we need to be able to quickly wrap our heads around them, so the ideal candidate should be able to follow the logical flow of software and ask the right questions.
5. Interest in technology and software: Our work centers around building custom software, so excitement about technology would be helpful to ensure that the role is rewarding.
6. Organization: This role requires working with many potential and current clients at once, so the ideal candidate should be able to tackle tasks in an efficient and timely manner.

Ключевые навыки
Английский язык
B2B Продажи
Ведение переговоров
Развитие продаж
Деловая коммуникация

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