Native Russian Voice Over Actor From Russia (удаленная работа)

25 июня 2024

Уровень зарплаты:
от 3 000 до 3 100 руб.
Требуемый опыт работы:
Без опыта

Вакансия: Native Russian Voice Over Actor From Russia

We are looking for Russian speakers to help record 2 hours of daily conversations via an APP to help improve voice recognition. You and your partner needs to have conversation for 4 daily topics and each topic duration 30 minutes.The recording will NOT be used for public display or in product promotional materials.

No work experience or college degree is required. Beginner freelancers and newly graduates are welcome.


Russian speakers
Group of 2 people (you + friend) in the same place
Must have a phone
Must have steady Wi-Fi and a quiet place to record
Talk about different topics such as family, movies/TV shows, friends, travel, etc...

Each group 30USD / 15USD for each recorder

About the company:
AON data is an industry-leading artificial intelligence data solution provider, with AI data middle-end and data application services as the core development direction. By focusing on the research and development of a full-stack digital intelligence platform, the boundary between perception and cognitive intelligence is opened up, and artificial intelligence is promoted in more vertical scenarios.